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/ Apple Reference & Present…nuary (Partner) - Disc 1 / The Apple Reference and Presentations Library (Disc 1)(January 1994).iso / Cordant / US English / HIAR / HIAR-PPC / More Images / TIFFSpec.072 (.png) < prev    next >
Tagged Image File Format  |  1994-08-03  |  37KB  |  1728x2500
Labels: book | bulletin board | crt screen | poster | reckoner | sky
OCR: S.0 Appendires SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture pur Television Engineers) Most of the work by NTSC has beer Largely subsumed by SMPTE. This organization nas f standards called 'Rexommended Practices" that apply to various technical aspcts of and television proxluction [5] [6} ISO (Trternational Standards Organization ISO. has booome involved in color standards through color addendum to "Office Document Architecture {ODA} pur Interchange Format" [7] ANSI (American Natinnal Standards Jrsritufe) ANSI is the Amen Motivation Our motivation I0J defining these tags stems from our research ard development in calot separatikn techaology. With the infomation pue the RGB pixel data have 16 1h necessar gencrating high- quality color separations We could supply the information outside of "the image fil ...